Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“Americans love telecommuting — strivers, slackers, everybody. We know it’s supposed to save on corporate overhead and boost productivity. We don’t really care. “
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“Americans love telecommuting — strivers, slackers, everybody. We know it’s supposed to save on corporate overhead and boost productivity. We don’t really care. “
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“A long-awaited coming attraction has finally arrived for Netflix’s U.S. subscribers. They will now be able to automatically see what their Facebook friends have been watching on the Internet video service, as long as they are willing to open a peephole into their viewing habits, too”
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“Marketers hawking diet pills and other questionable goods on social media must be more forthcoming. “
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“Managing a contact center in today’s competitive environment can make or break your operations. So how do you maximize the upside? CRM Daily surveyed some contact center experts from various angles to come up with five tips to better manage your contact center”
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“Phoenix, Arizona, March 14, 2013 — Empereon Marketing, LLC and Constar Financial Services, LLC (Empereon-Constar) are celebrating 15 years of exceptional growth, marked by sustained success achieved through high-quality customer relationships, leading technology, and industry leadership. “