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” Programmatic advertising, het real-time veilingplatform voor advertenties, is in opkomst volgens de meest recente Advertising Intelligence Index over het eerste kwartaal van 2014 samengesteld door marketingsoftware en analytische advertentieplatform Turn. “
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“Jumping on the wearables bandwagon, has launched Salesforce Wear. “
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“Businesses as well as government agencies are increasing their focus on cybersecurity, including hiring more professionals to deal specifically with cyberattacks and the havoc they wreak. The increased focus comes as businesses struggle to protect customer data and also to respond quickly to breaches when they occur. As the costs associated with data leaks continue to rise, large organizations are finding it more cost effective to hire seasoned IT experts — including some who earn more than $500,000 a year — to batten down the hatches and be prepared if and when there’s an attack. “
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“SAN DIEGO, June 10, 2014 — Privacy and information security research firm Ponemon Institute, along with DB Networks, an innovator of behavioral analysis in database security, today announced the results of the Ponemon InstituteEUs study on the recent U.S. retailers breaches”