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“Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is losing a precious security blanket now that she is spinning off the Internet company’s prized stake in China’s Alibaba Group. The breakup announced Tuesday will transfer ownership of 384 million shares of Alibaba stock, currently worth $39 billion, into a new entity called SpinCo. Those holdings, part of an astute investment made nearly a decade ago, represent the main reason that Yahoo’s stock has more than tripled since Mayer became CEO two-and-half years ago. “
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” In het huidige informatietijdperk behoren vertrouwelijke gegevens tot de belangrijkste kapitaalgoederen. De Europese Unie schermt dan ook met stevige regels en wetten die de burgers dienen te beschermen. De invoering van actuele wet- en regelgeving laat echter op zich wachten. “