Lees hier het meest recente artikel van crm-daily.com.
“Large number of Americans see 2013 as anything but a banner year and aren’t reluctant to wave goodbye on New Year’s Eve, a new AP-Times Square poll says, reflecting anxiety stretching from the corridors of power in Washington to corporate boardrooms, statehouses, and city and town halls. Although the poll shows that people generally are looking forward to the new year with optimism and no blatant sense of foreboding, it also unmasks pent-up worries about international crises and instability, and concerns at home about the standard of living, health care and schools”
Lees hier het meest recente artikel van Computable CRM.
“Het Deense softwarehuis WebCRM betreedt de Nederlandse markt. Het bedrijf heeft een partnerovereenkomst gesloten met crm-reseller Relact uit Gouda. “